Technical Editing SIG Launches Volunteer Awards Program

Lori Meyer and Carol Lamarche

Celebrating your milestones and accomplishments is a rewarding part of the journey as a professional. Celebrating the achievements of your peers is a wonderful part of enjoying and building community. Starting in December 2012, the Technical Editing Special Interest Group (SIG) gives its friends and fans a chance to do all of these.

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The Roving Technical Editors Report on the STC Summit

Ann Marie Queeney and Kelly Schrank

Thank you to our survey participants!

Although the NATO conference was the higher-profile event, STC managed to generate its own excitement at the 59th STC Summit at the Hyatt O’Hare. The STC Summit, held May 20 – 23, offered a wide spectrum of interesting topics, time to reconnect with friends and colleagues, and opportunities to meet new people.

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