Nota Bene: A Selection of Items from the Web

Michelle L. Corbin tells us what we can learn from 2015 web design trends and about SEO and you.

Jerry Cao recommends free UX e-books.

Marcia Riefer Johnston explains how to simplify our English in How Global Is Your English: 8 Ways to Keep It Simple and Save Big.

Barbara Jungwirth reminds us that English isn’t the same everywhere in English ≠ English.


If you would like to recommend some Web articles, please send them to us at



What’s Rhetoric Got to Do with Technical Editing?

Michelle Corbin

One of the topics that we cover in our Technical Editing Fundamentals certificate course is rhetoric. My co-presenter, Linda Oestreich, humors me and lets me have 5 minutes to cover the basics of why I feel rhetoric is one of the fundamental principles of technical editing.

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Let Go of the Words?

Michelle Corbin

As technical editors, we love words. We love making sure that each word communicates clearly. If you hear that someone is an editor, you immediately think of grammar and syntax and word usage. But, as technical editors, the time has come (really, it came a while ago, but the saying goes, “the time has come”) for us to let go of a singular focus on the words. As technical editors, we must edit so much more than just the words—words on the paper or words on the screen, words in a PDF or words in a help file, words in a user interface or in a message. We have to look beyond the words.

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