Frequently Asked Questions: What Kind of Editing Do They Need, and How Much?

By Christina VasilevskiChristina Vasilevski hi-res image cropped

Frequently Asked Questions. If customers ask certain questions so often that your company requires a dedicated FAQ page, the answers should be so obvious that they write themselves, right?

Not quite. Continue reading “Frequently Asked Questions: What Kind of Editing Do They Need, and How Much?”

Communicating Financial Information: It’s Not What You Know, It’s How Well You Explain It

By Adrienne Julier

Adrienne_Dec_2015A few years ago, I went to a high school graduation, and the valedictorian—an extremely intelligent young woman with close to a perfect SAT score—got up to speak. Her speech was impassioned and obviously well planned; unfortunately, it was also so loaded with obscure words that the vast majority of the audience—including me—couldn’t understand what she was saying. As I glanced around the theater, I soon saw people looking at their programs or, even worse, their phones. Continue reading “Communicating Financial Information: It’s Not What You Know, It’s How Well You Explain It”

Book Review: Wildcard Cookbook for Microsoft Word

Geoff Hart

Lyon, J. 2015. Wildcard Cookbook for Microsoft Word. The Editorium. 104 p. incl. index

Wildcard Cookbook cover with borderYears ago, Word-guru Jack Lyon released a freebie ebook, Advanced Find and Replace for Word, which explained everything you needed to know to master Microsoft Word’s find and replace features. It’s still available from his website (, so you might wonder about the need for a new book on the subject. However, there are three good reasons to consider Jack’s new book, Wildcard Cookbook for Microsoft Word: the text has been thoroughly updated and debugged for versions up to Word 2013; Continue reading “Book Review: Wildcard Cookbook for Microsoft Word”