Effective Onscreen Editing, Part 2 of 4

Geoff Hart

Workflow Issues: Backups, Paper Trails and Automating Your Work

Murphy’s law applies as strongly to online editing as it does to other areas of life, and at some point, you or Murphy will do something unfortunate to a file. So before you actually begin editing, make a backup copy of the original file and store it somewhere safe, far away from your computer.

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How I Became a Technical Editor

Randell Prue

I can’t think of a more effective tool for a writer or editor than to sit down and test the document. Do it: Follow the instructions that are about to be published. When you sit down to describe what you experienced, the product will be better as a result. In research circles, anecdotal evidence is often discounted as worthless. Nonetheless, the retelling of my own experience has produced documentation that garnered both critical acclaim and a high degree of reader acceptance.

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