Copyeditors Can Make Web Copy Sing

by Erin Brenner

2015 Headshot brown cropped 600x548Professional copyeditors tend to think of the Web as devoid of good writing. Website owners will throw any old copy up on the site, careless of good grammar, never mind rhythm and style. While quality sites are out there (think the New York Times and The Atlantic), they still make mistakes and many more websites are in need of a skillful copyeditor to help raise standards. Continue reading “Copyeditors Can Make Web Copy Sing”

Book Review: Wildcard Cookbook for Microsoft Word

Geoff Hart

Lyon, J. 2015. Wildcard Cookbook for Microsoft Word. The Editorium. 104 p. incl. index

Wildcard Cookbook cover with borderYears ago, Word-guru Jack Lyon released a freebie ebook, Advanced Find and Replace for Word, which explained everything you needed to know to master Microsoft Word’s find and replace features. It’s still available from his website (, so you might wonder about the need for a new book on the subject. However, there are three good reasons to consider Jack’s new book, Wildcard Cookbook for Microsoft Word: the text has been thoroughly updated and debugged for versions up to Word 2013; Continue reading “Book Review: Wildcard Cookbook for Microsoft Word”

When Is the Right Time to Launch a Freelance Tech Communications Business?

Ruth E. Thaler-Carter,
head shot of author

Moving from the apparent security of a full-time job—I say “apparent” because there really is no such thing as job security any more—to the risks and rewards of freelancing can be exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. For many colleagues, the hardest part of freelancing is simply making the decision to go for it on a full-time basis. You may have done, or thought about doing, some freelance tech communications work on the side, but knowing when to make freelancing your full-time lifestyle can be tricky. Continue reading “When Is the Right Time to Launch a Freelance Tech Communications Business?”

Corrigo and TE SIG Need Volunteers: Share Your Expertise

Ælfwine Mischler, Managing Editor

I’m excited about the relaunch of Corrigo, but the Technical Editing SIG needs your help to keep it going. All of our authors and copyeditors and I, the managing editor, are volunteers. Corrigo—and, indeed, the TE SIG itself—cannot continue without volunteers.

Why Should You Write for Corrigo?

Some people just enjoy sharing their knowledge with others. If you’re one of those, you don’t need an answer. If you’re not one of those, think of what you’ll gain by writing an article for Corrigo:

  • You’ll learn more as you research a topic.
  • You might network with others in the process of researching.
  • You can add the article to your portfolio.
  • You’ll get exposure for yourself with your name and contacts in the byline.
  • In today’s world where employment is unstable, all of those gains might help you in the future to land a new job or gig.

    You don’t have to be a leader in the field to write for Corrigo. The blog format allows for an informal style, and you can just write from your own observations, without being—or pretending to be—an expert, and articles only need to be 800 to 1,200 words. We also welcome articles from students.

    In the new Corrigo, we will publish articles on just about anything related to technical editing and writing, or technical editors. This includes the usual items on usage and grammar, but also book or product reviews, interviews with or features about technical editors in interesting places, articles on staying healthy in a sedentary job, job hunting, and freelancing. If you have an idea for an article, contact the managing editor at

    How Else Can You Volunteer for the TE SIG?

    You can volunteer for a year or for a one-time activity. Volunteering is great for networking and building your skills—such as learning to use Eventbrite or Adobe Connect. Can you present a webinar? Can you manage the watercooler chats? Can you be a webmaster? If you’re not ready to take over, can you be an assistant and learn the ropes? There are many volunteer opportunities, with various time commitments, which you can read about on the TE website.

    You can get so much more from your STC and TE membership by being an active member. Get more bang for your bucks by volunteering today.

    Corrigo Rises! New Managing Editor for Tech Edit SIG Newsletter

    Ælfwine Mischler, Managing Editor

    Corrigo, the Technical Editing SIG newsletter in blog format, has been revived. We will begin posting again in a few days.

    Believing that being an active member gives me the best value for my membership fees, when I joined STC and the Tech Edit SIG a few months ago, I volunteered to copyedit for Corrigo, not knowing that it had been inactive for nearly two years. It was on its way to being revived when the managing editor had to resign because of work commitments. The SIG leadership asked me whether I would step up to the position.

    I was a bit hesitant because, although I’m experienced in editing trade books, textbooks, and Web content, I’m new to technical editing. In a long conversation with SIG manager Ann Marie Queeney and SIG webmaster Rick Sapir, I shared my ideas for reviving Corrigo and they agreed to my being the new managing editor.

    I am excited about this opportunity to revive the newsletter. We will continue to publish the usual articles about editing, but also articles about editors in interesting places, freelancing, surviving the workplace, and staying healthy in a sedentary job. I want Corrigo to once again be a platform for Tech Edit SIG members to share their expertise and attract new members to the SIG. I hope you will help us to make that happen by being a contributor and an active reader with your comments.

    If you would like to write or edit for Corrigo, please contact me at