Edit This! Quiz #3

Editor’s Note: This is the third quiz in the Edit This! series, which is intended to help technical editing practitioners improve their editing skills by editing a challenging piece of text, and then seeing how they did.
We will be posting more of these quizzes throughout 2024-2025.

Try your hand (red pen?) on this edition of the New York Times’s Copy Edit This! quiz, written by Philip B. Corbett. Corbett is the associate managing editor for standards at The New York Times.


Edit This! Quiz #2

Editor’s Note: This is the second quiz in the Edit This! series, which is intended to help technical editing practitioners improve their editing skills by editing a challenging piece of text, and then seeing how they did.
We will be posting more of these quizzes throughout 2024-2025.

Try your hand (red pen?) on this edition of the New York Times’s Copy Edit This! quiz, written by Philip B. Corbett. Corbett is the associate managing editor for standards at The New York Times.


Edit This! Quiz #1

Editor’s Note: This is the first quiz in the Edit This! series, which is intended to help technical editing practitioners improve their editing skills by editing a challenging piece of text, and then seeing how they did.
We will be posting more of these quizzes throughout 2024-2025.

Try your hand (red pen?) on this edition of the New York Times’s Copy Edit This! quiz, written by Philip B. Corbett. Corbett is the associate managing editor for standards at The New York Times.


Of Interest: Soft Skills for Technical Editors

Traditionally, editors have had to fight the stereotype of being crotchety. After all, old newspaper movies always showed the copy editor as someone who could not get along with anyone else and had been banished to a dark corner of the office forever correcting others’ articles and never getting a chance to write any of his or her own. The reality is, though, that editors provide feedback on other people’s work product, and they will be so much more successful if they do so with kindness and empathy.

On 7 May 2024 at 1200 PM ET (click here for your local time), join Fatima Hyder to find out what soft skills editors need to be successful and make editing collaborative and not confrontational!

For tickets, go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/soft-skills-for-technical-editors-tickets-695325175317.

New Feature: Edit This!

As the official publication of the STC Technical Editing SIG, Corrigo is full of useful information for technical editing practitioners.

But one of the best ways to improve our editing skills is to actually edit a challenging piece of text, and then see how we did. Having our own work checked can be both beneficial and eye-opening.

Throughout 2024-2025, Corrigo will be running a monthly feature called Edit This!, in which we will post a link to the New York Times’s Copy Edit This! quiz, written by Philip B. Corbett. Corbett is the associate managing editor for standards at The New York Times, and oversees The Times’s style manual and handles questions about the language used in The Times.

To make it easier for you to find these quizzes again in the future, they will be tagged with an Edit This tag, and the titles prefaced with the same phrase.