New Feature: Of Interest!

As the official publication of the STC Technical Editing SIG, Corrigo is full of useful information for technical editing practitioners.

But nothing can beat the experience of a live interaction, when like-minded technical editing practitioners get together to discuss ideas that lead to further professional development.

Events of interest to technical editing practitioners happen frequently (both face-to-face and online) and all over the world. And even if you couldn’t make it to one of them, someone who did can write a summary of what they learned and share it with the wider technical editing community.

To make sure that information about events of interest (both past and future) reaches people who want to know more, we are introducing a new feature – Of Interest!

Have you been to a presentation, webinar, or conference and learned something that you think needs to be brought to the attention of Corrigo’s readers? Do you know of a get-together, meetup, or talk that you think Corrigo‘s readers might want to attend? If so, write a summary of the event, send it to us at, and we’ll consider adding it to our Of Interest feature.

To make it easier for you to find these articles again in the future, they will be tagged with an Of Interest tag, and the titles prefaced with the same phrase.

Of Interest: TechCommNZ Auckland Branch Event: Editing for technical communicators—without all the boring grammar stuff

STC Technical Editing SIG’s very own Chris Lovie-Tyler ( is presenting what looks to be a fascinating talk at a TechCommNZ Auckland branch event on 29 May 2018 (!

While it might be too far away for many of us, if you are in the area, we highly recommend that you attend – and then write up a summary for Corrigo!

Of Interest: New “Editing Matters” Column in Intercom

STC’s popular magazine, Intercom (, has added a new column called “Editing Matters”, which will focus on the importance of technical editing.

In this new column, Michelle Corbin covers matters (topics) about editing that matter (are of consequence) to communicators of all kinds. To understand more about editing and what you can do to improve the quality of your content, read her column!

I certainly enjoyed it – I hope you will too.

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As the official publication of the STC Technical Editing SIG, Corrigo is full of useful information for technical editing practitioners.

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21 March 2018 Update:
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