New Feature: Newbies’ Corner!

As the official publication of the STC Technical Editing SIG, Corrigo is full of useful information for technical editing practitioners.

But a lot of it is written by old fogies who have been in the business for many years.

Wouldn’t it be great to hear some new, fresh voices, especially from those who are studying the field or just starting out?

To provide a platform for new ideas and thoughts about our chosen profession, we are introducing a new feature – Newbies’ Corner!

This new feature will present articles written by technical editing students and aspiring, newly minted technical editing practitioners.

To make it easier for you to find these articles again in the future, they will be tagged with a Newbies’ Corner tag, and the titles prefaced with the same phrase.

If you are a student learning about technical editing or just starting out on your technical editing journey, and would like to submit an article, please send an email to and let’s discuss it.

License to Edit: Techniques for Technical Editing Success

By Ann Marie Queeney

The exciting exploits of James Bond may seem far removed from the field of technical editing. However, after reading a book titled, The Man with the Golden Typewriter: James Bond’s Letters I recognized that Ian Fleming––the creator of the iconic spy series––was a disciplined writer whose commitment to clear, sharp writing and accuracy shares many similarities with good technical editing practices.

This article draws upon the mentioned book’s witty and insightful letters between Fleming and his editing team at Jonathan Cape (his publisher), friends, and Bond fans to discuss good editing practices. 

Continue reading “License to Edit: Techniques for Technical Editing Success”

Conversation Starter: The Joys of Teaching Engineers to Write

By Christa Bedwin

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in April 2016, so it is part of the Best of Corrigo series. However, based on the interest in a similar article, I decided to republish it as a Conversation Starter as well.
It has been updated for 2020.

After twenty years of editing science, research, education, and engineering documentation, some of my favorite people to edit for are engineers. This baffles some of my fellow editors, who find engineers confusing or complicated to work with, and so I began to teach courses on how to navigate editing with engineers, and with engineering content. (I also teach courses for engineers to learn to write better.)

I am always delighted to discuss this topic further – please feel free to write to me! I’m easy to find on the Internet.

Continue reading “Conversation Starter: The Joys of Teaching Engineers to Write”

Coming Attractions: Let’s Talk about Teaching Engineers to Write

Communication with our clients is key, but many editors seem to find that engineers speak another language entirely! How can we adapt to work effectively with this delightful, and often lucrative, type of client?

As part of Corrigo’s series of Conversation Starter articles, I’ve asked Christa Bedwin to start a conversation on this topic based on her personal experiences of twenty years of editing science, research, education, and engineering documentation.
Her article will be published here on Corrigo on 13 August 2020.

To join in on what we hope will be a fascinating conversation, you can submit your own article on the subject to Corrigo (, or you can write your thoughts the Comments section. If there are enough comments, we’ll collect them all and post them as an article as well.

Of Interest: License to Edit: Techniques for Technical Editing Success

On 7 July 2020 at 2 pm EDT, Ann Marie Queeney will present a webinar titled License to Edit: Techniques for Technical Editing Success.
Click here to register:

In this fascinating, multi-communities event, we will explore how the editing of the iconic James Bond series can help technical editors sharpen their skills. Ann Marie will draw upon Ian Fleming and his editing team’s witty and insightful letters for an interactive discussion about technical editing issues, such as technical accuracy, jargon and clichés, and consistency. There will also be time for a few James Bond fun facts.

Ann Marie Queeney is a director on the STC board and a member of the Technical Editing and Policies and Procedures SIGs. She is the owner of A.M. Queeney, LLC a consulting business specializing in procedures and other process documents used in the healthcare industry. She is available for webinar and in-person training on a variety of technical communication topics.