Of Interest: The Phases of Successful Freelance Technical Editing

Freelance technical editing can prove a rewarding career choice once you understand the subtle distinctions of the various flavors of the profession. Most substantial editorial workflows fall into seven phases, from acquisition editing to proofreading. Most freelance editors are stronger at some phases than at others.

On 7 July 2021 at 11 AM PDT (click here for your local time zone), STC Fellow Avon Murphy will present a session that will help you learn how to discover which phases best suit your temperament and skill set, and find more satisfaction in your freelancing career.

He will give some tricks of the trade that can help you make an impact in each type of editing. The result will be clients who understand what you’re doing at any point in the development of their projects, not to mention more focused and helpful editing.

To register for this event, click here.

Meet the Technical Editing SIG at the STC Summit 2021!


Want to find out more about the STC Technical Editing SIG?

Want to meet and network with other technical editing practitioners?

Want to hear about the cool things we’re up to in the SIG – and maybe participate in them as well?

Come to the STC Technical Editing SIG Virtual Open House on 9 June 2021 from 1 – 1:45 PM EDT (click here for your local time)! The Zoom link is:

Of Interest: Presentations at STC Summit 2021

STC’s Technical Communication Summit is the premier conference for technical communication education and networking. The Summit attracts many attendees and exhibitors over a three-day period (7-9 June 2021), and brings together like-minded individuals to grow in their knowledge of the technical communication field.

As in past years, members of the Technical Editing SIG will be presenting talks at the Summit. To help you easily find them, we’ve put together a list. Please attend and encourage our members! (To register for the Summit, click here.)

Continue reading “Of Interest: Presentations at STC Summit 2021”

The Technical Editing SIG Wins a 2021 STC Pacesetter Award!

Great news!

The STC has awarded the Technical Editing SIG a Pacesetter award for 2021! They were very impressed by our “inclusive vision in using Corrigo to ensure that those who are new to the STC, the TE SIG, or to the technical editing field have the opportunity to share their voices and perspectives”.

They are, of course, referring to our Newbies’ Corner feature, which provides a platform for new, fresh voices (especially students) to discuss technical editing – so us old fogies in the business can hear new ideas! If you are a student learning about technical editing or just starting out on your technical editing journey, and would like to submit an article, please send an email to editor@stc-techedit.org and let’s discuss it.

And even if you aren’t a newbie, you are quite welcome to submit articles about topics that you think technical editing practitioners will find interesting. For a list of ideas, click here.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Wanted: Corrigo Correspondents for Summit 2021

Are you going to attend the virtual STC Summit this year (5-9 June 2021)?

Are you going to listen to any of the excellent virtual sessions?

Are you going to learn interesting things about our chosen profession of technical editing?

Of course you are.

Why not share what you’ll learn with your colleagues?

Corrigo is looking for volunteer correspondents at the virtual Summit to write summaries of the sessions they attend – if you are able to help,  send an email to editor@stc-techedit.org,