One of the trends that emerged from our Quo Corrigo? survey was that technical editing practitioners want to know how to work with writers who are sometimes resistant to feedback or do not follow processes, and how to ensure positive working relationships in cases of conflict.
Why do writers dislike seeing their work changed? And what do we do when we need to edit their work anyway?
On 23 August 2018, at 3 PM EDT, Marcia Shannon will examine some reasons for the writers’ resistance and offer suggestions for handling those objections while keeping the work in line with style guides and company standards.
This presentation is open to STC Technical Editing SIG members for free and non-SIG members for a small fee.
To register, go to
Note: Before the presentation, Technical Editing SIG leaders will present news items related to the SIG.
7 November 2018 Update
For two summaries of this presentation, go here.
This subject sounds very interesting; unfortunately, I’ll be away that day and unable to listen in. Will this presentation be recorded or archived where I can get a look? Regards, Bob Flummerfelt
The date has been changed to 30 August – is that better for you?
After the event, the recorded webinar will be available in the file gallery for all SIG members. Non-members will be provided with a link to the recording.
Great subject! I have a conflict. How can I get a recording of this presentation later?
The date has been changed to 30 August – is that better for you?
After the event, the recorded webinar will be available in the file gallery for all SIG members. Non-members will be provided with a link to the recording.
Yoel, thanks, yes that day works much better. Same time as before?
Yep 🙂 Click the link for more info.
OK, thanks again! 🙂