By Amanda Altamirano
The 2018 STC Summit was filled with classes, vendors, events, and much more. The STC Technical Editing SIG brought our own flair to the Summit, which helped our new and prospective SIG members to mix and mingle.
With the running theme “Technical Editors Are Magical”, we were ready to spread the word about our SIG and how it supports career development for technical editing practitioners all over the world. Our presence at the Summit began at our Welcome Reception table. Adorned with magic hats and wands, we met several Summit attendees who were interested in our SIG. Attendees grabbed our flyers with more information on the SIG, its leaders, volunteer opportunities, and upcoming events. Winners from our Hangman game walked away with prizes. Those who visited our table snagged a Technical Editors Are Magical pin or a handful of chocolate. Some attendees expressed interest in volunteer opportunities with our SIG, and others just wanted to learn more about us. It was a fun and informational reception for Summit attendees who stopped by the Technical Editing SIG table!
The Summit was a unique opportunity for our SIG to hold our quarterly meeting as a face-to-face networking lunch. With approximately thirty new and current SIG members in attendance, attendees were able to connect with others and gain more insight into our SIG. We also handed out awards and recognized several volunteers who supported our SIG over the past year and during the 2018 Summit. Those who were recognized at the lunch walked away with their own Technical Editing SIG swag bag with a few goodies, including a personalized award, SIG pin, and SIG mug. The lunch also helped attract a couple of new volunteers to our SIG, including our newest Co-Manager, Angela Eaton.
Overall, the Summit gave the Technical Editing SIG the opportunity to engage in face-to-face conversations with new and potential members. Our SIG membership continues to rise, as does our volunteer and leadership support.
For the next 2019 Summit in Denver, we plan to give our SIG a facelift – and we will show it off in a big way! We are planning a new SIG logo contest, which will plaster the winning design all over our Technical Editing SIG website. In addition, it will be featured on all promotional material and TE SIG swag at the upcoming Summit. We will be back with a new theme and new venue to host our quarterly meeting. Get ready to join us!
General Summit 2018 Summaries
For a general roundup of Summit 2018 summaries and impressions, go to
For a summary of the keynote speech written by the STC TechEdit SIGs’ own Larry Kunz:
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