Of Interest: License to Edit: Techniques for Technical Editing Success

On 7 July 2020 at 2 pm EDT, Ann Marie Queeney will present a webinar titled License to Edit: Techniques for Technical Editing Success.
Click here to register: https://stc-techedit.org/tiki-index.php?page=License+to+Edit

In this fascinating, multi-communities event, we will explore how the editing of the iconic James Bond series can help technical editors sharpen their skills. Ann Marie will draw upon Ian Fleming and his editing team’s witty and insightful letters for an interactive discussion about technical editing issues, such as technical accuracy, jargon and clichés, and consistency. There will also be time for a few James Bond fun facts.

Ann Marie Queeney is a director on the STC board and a member of the Technical Editing and Policies and Procedures SIGs. She is the owner of A.M. Queeney, LLC a consulting business specializing in procedures and other process documents used in the healthcare industry. She is available for webinar and in-person training on a variety of technical communication topics.

Wanted: Corrigo Correspondents for Summit 2020

Are you going to attend the virtual STC Summit this year?

Are you going to listen to any of the excellent virtual sessions?

Are you going to learn interesting things about our chosen profession of technical editing?

Why not share them with everybody?

Corrigo is looking for volunteer correspondents at the virtual Summit to write summaries of the sessions they attend – if you are able to help,  send an email to editor@stc-techedit.org,

Technical Editing Is Very Rewarding!

Are you familiar with the Technical Editing Active Member (TEAM) Rewards program?

On 28 January 2020 at 2 PM EST, join Marcia Shannon to explore opportunities to participate in the STC Technical Editing SIG in 2020–from elected offices to one-time contributions. Active members can earn recognition, a gift card, and the satisfaction of making our SIG a strong and useful community within STC.

This FREE online event is open to members and visitors. It’s a great way to learn about our award-winning SIG!


Upcoming: STC Technical Editing SIG Elections

Elections for TE SIG key roles are coming up! All TE SIG members are invited to vote for their choice for the following roles:

  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Membership Manager

If you are interested in volunteering for the STC TE SIG as either an elected or appointed position, please reach out to the TE SIG leaders at sigleaders at stc-techedit.org!

Information about these positions is available at http://www.stc-techedit.org/Elected+Positions

Editing People Who Hate to Be Edited

On 4 October 2018, STC Technical Editing SIG member Marcia Shannon gave a fascinating talk entitled “Editing People Who Hate to Be Edited” as part of the SIG’s quarterly meeting.

Corrigo Correspondents Laura Allen and Denise Collins attended, and summarized it for those who couldn’t make it.

Continue reading “Editing People Who Hate to Be Edited”