Editing – A Fun Game and A Learning Opportunity

Tasha Fowler

This past month, a professor in the communication studies department asked me to help format a chapter for his book. He’d submitted his text to the publisher, and the publisher responded with a mega-list of formatting issues that needed to be addressed before the chapter could be resubmitted.
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Managing Documentation Projects in a Collaborative World

In keeping with our promise to provide an article on watercooler chats (external link), here is a summary article of the last watercooler chat, which was a four-part series on “Managing Documentation Projects in a Collaborative World — New Best Practices for Editors.” The chat series was held between January and February, 2011 and was moderated by STC Fellow, Larry Kunz.

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The Technical Stylist Reviews

Kathy Underwood

The Subversive Copy Editor: Advice from Chicago (Or, How to Negotiate Good Relationships with Your Writers, Your Colleagues, and Yourself) by Carol Fisher Saller (University of Chicago Press, 2009)

For several years, I taught technical editing (among other courses) at the University of Washington. If I were still teaching that course, I would include this book as required reading. Although almost all textbooks on technical editing cover the weighty matter of

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