Four Questions for Considering the Needs and Circumstances of Our Audience

By Danielle Karr

A company must communicate with its customers; however, whether these communications are valuable to the audience is another question.

A company’s content is often influenced by the individuals who internally surround the document rather than the external target audience, which forces technical communicators to sometimes release content that does not accurately reflect or meet readers’ needs. This type of content creation process can lead companies to measure their content’s success by how it satisfies internal (often managerial) opinions rather than how well the document fulfills the content needs of the intended audience.

Luckily, technical editors have the power to correct this corporate messaging problem by championing readership interests, needs, and sensitivities during document creation and review process—safeguarding the audience from irrelevant, insensitive, or burdensome content.

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The Best of Corrigo: Setting Up an Editorial Review Process

By Sarah Barczyk
(originally published in 2009; updated with permission by Corrigo staff in 2018)

So you want to be a technical editor. You’re well-versed in grammar, style, punctuation, and the mechanics of the English language. You know what it takes to produce a clear, concise, readable paragraph and a coherent technical document.

Subject-matter experts within your company recognize that you’re an asset and routinely seek you out for writing help, and perhaps enlist your aid in editing large documents. But you know that so much more can be done. All you need is a process. It sounds so simple.

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Editing People Who Hate to Be Edited

On 4 October 2018, STC Technical Editing SIG member Marcia Shannon gave a fascinating talk entitled “Editing People Who Hate to Be Edited” as part of the SIG’s quarterly meeting.

Corrigo Correspondents Laura Allen and Denise Collins attended, and summarized it for those who couldn’t make it.

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Li-At Rathbun Feels Our Pain at the 2018 STC Summit

On 20-23 May 2018, STC held its annual Technical Communication Summit in Orlando, FL. There were many fascinating education sessions and presentations, with some them being of particular interest to technical editing practitioners. For details about the STC Technical Editing SIG’s activities during the Summit, read this article.

The STC Technical Editing SIG’s very own Li-At Rathbun presented a well-received presentation called We Stoop to Conqquer: Adjusting to Mediocrity, which Viqui Dill (STC IDL SIG co-manager and proud member of the STC Technical Editing SIG) attended and reviewed.

(This article is also available on the STC Instructional Design and Learning SIG newsletter; for more interesting IDL-related articles, go to

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