Of Interest: October Virtual Lunch: You’re Doing It Wrong – How to Help Writers Grow Through Editing

On Tuesday 15 October 2024 at 1:30 PM ET (click here for your local time), join the STC Coalition online for a moderated group chat on helping writers grow through the function of editing.

Topics of discussion include:

  • Managing content for consistency
  • Editing as a function of professional development
  • Navigating personal preference vs standards and style guides
  • Working with an editor from a different generation

For tickets, go to https://www.tickettailor.com/events/stccoalition/1389240

      Of Interest: AI in a Technical Editing Context Study

      Are you integrating AI into your editing processes? If so, your insights could be invaluable to ongoing research led by Dr. Lance Cummings at UNC Wilmington. He is conducting interviews to explore the strategies and challenges faced by technical editing practitioners using AI in their workflows. These interviews will contribute to a broader understanding of how AI is shaping the future of technical communication.

      Dr. Cummings invites you to participate in a 30-45 minute interview conducted via Zoom, where you can share your experiences and perspectives. Your input will help uncover best practices and potential pitfalls, offering valuable guidance to others in the field.

      If you’re interested in contributing to this important research, please contact Dr. Cummings at cummingsl@uncw.edu. Your participation will benefit both technical communication academics and practitioners, and provide you with a way to reflect on and share your expertise in this critical area.

      Of Interest: Editing an Employee Handbook

      So your HR department asked you to help update the employee handbook?

      On 27 August 2024 at 1200 PM ET (click here for your local time), join Cindy Pao as she talks about doing a major update to the employee handbook at a previous employer. We’ll talk about the people you want on the review team, the goals for performing the update, and how your technical editing skills can help produce an employee handbook understood by most.

      For tickets, click the link below:

      From Around the Web: GenAI and Editing

      The question of how ChatGPT and other generative AI tools will the affect the field of technical editing is a hot topic. Will we be replaced? Can we use it to help us do our jobs better?

      Iva Cheung, a certified professional editor based in Metro Vancouver, B.C, has drawn a cartoon about how we as technical editing practitioners might need to react to the coming of large language models and GenAI, but she also writes some serious stuff about it that’s worth thinking about.

      Take a look (and laugh!) here:


      Of Interest: You’re Wrong. My Documentation Is Brilliant!

      On 30 January 2024 at 1200 PM ET (click here for your local time), join Jeff Klein for an interesting discussion about the complexities technical writers encounter when navigating negative feedback that is generic, vague, and utterly lacking in specificity. Uncover an effective approach to identify the underlying issues that feedback providers often struggle to articulate. Learn a practical methodology you can implement that will transform their non-actionable critique into a roadmap for enhancing the precision, clarity, and impact of your technical documentation.

      For tickets, go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/youre-wrong-my-documentation-is-brilliant-tickets-788846088887.