Of Interest: License to Edit: Techniques for Technical Editing Success

On 7 July 2020 at 2 pm EDT, Ann Marie Queeney will present a webinar titled License to Edit: Techniques for Technical Editing Success.
Click here to register: https://stc-techedit.org/tiki-index.php?page=License+to+Edit

In this fascinating, multi-communities event, we will explore how the editing of the iconic James Bond series can help technical editors sharpen their skills. Ann Marie will draw upon Ian Fleming and his editing team’s witty and insightful letters for an interactive discussion about technical editing issues, such as technical accuracy, jargon and clichés, and consistency. There will also be time for a few James Bond fun facts.

Ann Marie Queeney is a director on the STC board and a member of the Technical Editing and Policies and Procedures SIGs. She is the owner of A.M. Queeney, LLC a consulting business specializing in procedures and other process documents used in the healthcare industry. She is available for webinar and in-person training on a variety of technical communication topics.

Of Interest: Free Editor Training Webcasts from ACES

The American Copy Editors Society (ACES) is the United States’ leading organization of editing professionals, educators, and students. They are dedicated to improving the quality of the written word and the working lives of editors. They set standards of excellence and give a voice to editors in journalism, government, business, and beyond through top-notch training, networking, and career opportunities.

During these difficult COVID-19 times, when resources and training are incredibly valuable, ACES is offering training webcasts at no cost, through 31 July 2020.

To see the list of available training webcasts and register, go to: https://aceseditors.org/training/webcasts?fbclid=IwAR09lkBm8cVAdL-fN_CjUdsfDTsu6hK9PNQfDEXOBxkgojWkChpy4pE1L5Q

Of Interest: What’s the Worst That Could Happen? The Hidden Costs of Typos

Everyone makes typos, right? It’s part of being a technical communicator. We do our best to spot them before our content is released, and award mugs to those who spot them for us after the fact.

No one’s perfect though. Sometimes a mistake will slip through. What’s the worst that can happen? A radioactive bomb? Well, actually…

Continue reading “Of Interest: What’s the Worst That Could Happen? The Hidden Costs of Typos”

Of Interest: Editing People Who Hate to Be Edited

One of the trends that emerged from our Quo Corrigo? survey was that technical editing practitioners want to know how to work with writers who are sometimes resistant to feedback or do not follow processes, and how to ensure positive working relationships in cases of conflict.

Why do writers dislike seeing their work changed? And what do we do when we need to edit their work anyway?

On 23 August 2018, at 3 PM EDT, Marcia Shannon will examine some reasons for the writers’ resistance and offer suggestions for handling those objections while keeping the work in line with style guides and company standards.

This presentation is open to STC Technical Editing SIG members for free and non-SIG members for a small fee.

To register, go to https://m.stc-techedit.org/Editing+People+Who+Hate+to+be+Edited.

NoteBefore the presentation, Technical Editing SIG leaders will present news items related to the SIG.

7 November 2018 Update

For two summaries of this presentation, go here.