Of Interest: Presentations at STC Summit 2021

STC’s Technical Communication Summit is the premier conference for technical communication education and networking. The Summit attracts many attendees and exhibitors over a three-day period (7-9 June 2021), and brings together like-minded individuals to grow in their knowledge of the technical communication field.

As in past years, members of the Technical Editing SIG will be presenting talks at the Summit. To help you easily find them, we’ve put together a list. Please attend and encourage our members! (To register for the Summit, click here.)

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Of Interest: Definition of Quality (Editing) Panel at ConVEx 2021

Every documentation team strives to produce high-quality content. Unfortunately, the definition of what that means differs significantly, from company to company, from writer to writer, from user to user.

On 28 April 2021 at 0630 EDT at ConVEx 2021, a panel of top-class editors (Dana Aubin, Andrea Studzinski, and me too! :)) will talk about how to identify and prioritize the critical factors that influence the perception of quality, and discuss the best ways to achieve agreement on its definition.

To be a part of this fascinating discussion, as well as get more career-empowering knowledge, practices, networking, and practical solutions to improve your content strategy and technical documentation, register here: https://convex.infomanagementcenter.com

Of Interest: Feedback Finesse – The Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback

Technical communicators serve as a cornerstone in the flow of feedback through organizations that goes well beyond editorial feedback on different content types.

On 10 February 2021, at 3 PM EST (UTC-5), Liz Herman will show you how to add some finesse to the way you give and receive feedback in your organization. Learn new ways to deliver meaningful feedback. Understand how to thoughtfully respond to feedback. Leave with some artful ways to approach the flow of feedback and some specific resources for additional learning.

This is a joint STC Technical Editing SIGSTC Santa Barbara, and STC Los Angeles event, and is open to members and non-members:

  • TE SIG members: $0
  • P&P SIG members: $0
  • Santa Barbara chapter members: $0
  • Los Angeles chapter members: $0
  • Students: $0
  • Other STC members: $10
  • Non-members: $20

To register, click here.

Call for Submissions to Corrigo!

Do you have something to say that you think technical editing practitioners will find interesting? Then consider submitting it for publication on Corrigo!

You don’t need to be a member of the STC Technical Editing SIG – regardless of your official job title, we welcome and encourage everyone to read and submit to Corrigo.

Corrigo has lots of different feature categories:

You can submit short (1000 words or less), original content about subjects you think technical editing practitioners might find interesting, for example:

  • Stories about how applying technical editing skills increases reader satisfaction
  • Information about tools you find helpful
  • Hacks that you use to make your job easier
  • Tips about how to balance quality and deadlines
  • Vignettes about a day in your life as a technical editing practitioner
  • Links to sites you find helpful in your job, with explanations about how they help you
  • Reviews of articles, books, or events you’ve read or been to that relate to technical editing

We’re also looking for longer, more detailed original articles about topics that pertain to technical editing, both its theory and its practice.

Send your submissions to the Corrigo editor, Yoel Strimling, at editor@stc-techedit.org.
We’ll try to get back to you within three weeks with our decision. If we think changes need to be made to the submission before it is accepted, we’ll make suggestions.

If you want to discuss possible ideas for submission to Corrigo, send an email to Yoel, and he’ll be happy to listen.

Of Interest: To Be More Efficient and Consistent, Build a Better Checklist

Anyone writing, editing, or managing any type of communication for a living is feeling the crunch. There is less time to create and edit; more types and formats of content; more apps, software, and systems to learn. And we expect quality, accuracy, and consistency from ourselves because we take pride in our work.

On 30 December 2020 at 3 PM EST, Kelly Schrank will discuss how to address a multitude of modern dilemmas with a relatively old-school hack: a checklist.

In this webinar, Kelly will teach you how to use a comprehensive checklist created and updated for a specific communication task to help you:

  • Differentiate workflows, systems, and activities
  • Spell out style and formatting details
  • Track your progress
  • Document metrics
  • Give you a sense of completion and peace of mind

This is a joint STC Technical Editing SIG, STC Santa Barbara, and STC Los Angeles event, and is open to members and non-members:

  • TE SIG members: $0
  • P&P SIG members: $0
  • Santa Barbara chapter members: $0
  • Los Angeles chapter members: $0
  • Students: $0
  • Other STC members: $10
  • Non-members: $20

To register, click here.
