In our December issue, we asked how you refer to the following:
Corrigo Welcomes New Acquisitions Editors
Corrigo welcomes Nicolette Angel and Linda Branam as the newest members of the Corrigo staff. They joined our volunteer staff in February as acquisitions editors and will be responsible for recruiting articles for our quarterly publication.
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Technical Editors at the STC Annual Conference
Diane Feldman
The STC annual conference is an excellent time to attend great workshops and meet your fellow technical communicators. It also offers two special opportunities to communicate your interests and contribute your insights to meet other TE SIG members as well as the SIG leadership. To entice you to join us in Dallas, I’ve compiled a list of the events of special interest to editors. To learn more details or to register for the conference, visit the conference Web site at
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Mapping Information for Retrievability
Melanie G. Flanders
This is the Information Age. We are relentlessly inundated with more data than we could ever process in a dozen lifetimes. People don’t read documents for the sheer fun of it (unless it’s a good sci-fi or romance novel); they pick them up because they need specific information.
Do Technical Editors Focus on the Wrong Things?
Jean Hollis Weber
Too many technical editors focus on the details and don’t pay enough attention to the bigger picture when reviewing documents.
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