Brush Up Your Punctuation and Grammar Skills

With more and more of us stuck at home because of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, or out of work because of it, this might be the perfect time to brush up on some basic (and sometimes forgotten) rules of punctuation and grammar.

Leah Guren, an experienced TechComm trainer and presenter, has started a new online series of quick tips for technical writers, editors, and content developers.

Follow Leah’s informative (and always entertaining) mini-presentations on her LinkedIn page.

From Around the Web: Do Editors Make Mistakes?

Are technical editing practitioners infallible? We might like to think we are, but we also make mistakes.

UC San Diego Extension copyediting instructors Lourdes Vernard and Christine Steele have complied a list of what they consider to be the top ten most common mistakes made by copy editors.

Do you have anything to add to this list? Write it below in the comments!

New Feature: A Little Humor!

Editing is a serious task – if done wrong, terrible things might happen.

As the official publication of the STC Technical Editing SIG, Corrigo is full of useful, serious information for technical editing practitioners.

But editing also has a lighter side, and we are delighted to announce a new feature that will spotlight the humorous side of our chosen profession.

Iva Cheung is a certified professional editor, indexer, print designer, and publishing consultant based in Metro Vancouver, B.C. She also draws comics about the editing life, and she’s graciously allowed Corrigo to publish them, which we will do on a monthly basis.

To see Iva’s previous comics, go to her website at You can also follow her on Twitter (@IvaCheung).

To make it easier for you to find these comics again in the future, they will be tagged with the A Little Humor tag, and the titles prefaced with the same phrase.

Technical Editing Is Very Rewarding!

Are you familiar with the Technical Editing Active Member (TEAM) Rewards program?

On 28 January 2020 at 2 PM EST, join Marcia Shannon to explore opportunities to participate in the STC Technical Editing SIG in 2020–from elected offices to one-time contributions. Active members can earn recognition, a gift card, and the satisfaction of making our SIG a strong and useful community within STC.

This FREE online event is open to members and visitors. It’s a great way to learn about our award-winning SIG!