Wanted: Corrigo Correspondents for Summit 2020

Are you going to attend the virtual STC Summit this year?

Are you going to listen to any of the excellent virtual sessions?

Are you going to learn interesting things about our chosen profession of technical editing?

Why not share them with everybody?

Corrigo is looking for volunteer correspondents at the virtual Summit to write summaries of the sessions they attend – if you are able to help,  send an email to editor@stc-techedit.org,

Of Interest: Free Editor Training Webcasts from ACES

The American Copy Editors Society (ACES) is the United States’ leading organization of editing professionals, educators, and students. They are dedicated to improving the quality of the written word and the working lives of editors. They set standards of excellence and give a voice to editors in journalism, government, business, and beyond through top-notch training, networking, and career opportunities.

During these difficult COVID-19 times, when resources and training are incredibly valuable, ACES is offering training webcasts at no cost, through 31 July 2020.

To see the list of available training webcasts and register, go to: https://aceseditors.org/training/webcasts?fbclid=IwAR09lkBm8cVAdL-fN_CjUdsfDTsu6hK9PNQfDEXOBxkgojWkChpy4pE1L5Q

Quo Corrigo?

Technical editing, regardless of how the discipline is defined, is first and foremost reader advocacy – be it for documentation clarity, accuracy, relevance, or accessibility.

Corrigo is the official publication of the STC Technical Editing SIG, and is a place where people who want to help readers can get useful information to do just that.

We think that Corrigo should only present information that focuses on technical editing, rather than on generic technical communication. To help us better focus our efforts, we’re turning to you to help us define the scope and direction of Corrigo.

Please take a few minutes out of your busy schedules and answer a small, anonymous questionnaire (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZT79YTQ).

(And if you havn’t done it yet, subscribe to Corrigo and get an email notification every time new content is posted! Just type your email address in the SUBSCRIBE TO CORRIGO VIA EMAIL section on the right side of this page.)

Your opinions are very important to us, and we appreciate your contribution.