Call for Submissions to Corrigo!

Do you have something to say that you think technical editing practitioners will find interesting? Then consider submitting it for publication on Corrigo!

You don’t need to be a member of the STC Technical Editing SIG – regardless of your official job title, we welcome and encourage everyone to read and submit to Corrigo.

Corrigo has lots of different feature categories:

You can submit short (1000 words or less), original content about subjects you think technical editing practitioners might find interesting, for example:

  • Stories about how applying technical editing skills increases reader satisfaction
  • Information about tools you find helpful
  • Hacks that you use to make your job easier
  • Tips about how to balance quality and deadlines
  • Vignettes about a day in your life as a technical editing practitioner
  • Links to sites you find helpful in your job, with explanations about how they help you
  • Reviews of articles, books, or events you’ve read or been to that relate to technical editing

We’re also looking for longer, more detailed original articles about topics that pertain to technical editing, both its theory and its practice.

Send your submissions to the Corrigo editor, Yoel Strimling, at
We’ll try to get back to you within three weeks with our decision. If we think changes need to be made to the submission before it is accepted, we’ll make suggestions.

If you want to discuss possible ideas for submission to Corrigo, send an email to Yoel, and he’ll be happy to listen.

Of Interest: Why Do We Need an Editor on the Team?

Are technical editors “must-haves” or “nice-to-haves”? Do you really need an editor as part of your documentation team? What are the benefits?

On Wednesday, 15 December 2021 at 4 PM PT (click here for
your local time zone), join a group of very talented and tenured editors (Edna Smith, Li-At Rathbun, Sherri Leah Henkin, Kelly Schrank, and Dr. George Hayhoe) in Green Room 42 to discuss what it takes to succeed as an editor and the impact the role has in enhancing and elevating the overall quality of the entire team.

For more information and to register, go to

Green Room 42 is the meeting place for active conversations about topics of interest for technical and professional communication practitioners. In this episode, we talk with practitioners about the impact that editors have in enhancing and elevating the overall quality of content strategy and how it works with corporate strategy.

STC Technical Editing COP Elections 2022: Volunteer Nominees Watned!

If you spotted the mistake in the title – good for you! You are just the kind of person we need on the STC Technical Editing COP volunteer council!

We’re looking for volunteers to run for the following council positions:

  • Co-Manager (two-year term)
  • Secretary (one-year term)
  • Treasurer (one-year term)
  • Membership Manager (one-year term)
  • Social Media Manager (one-year term)
  • Webmaster (one-year term)

For details about each of these positions, go to

If you will be a Technical Editing COP member in 2022, keep an eye on your mailbox (maybe in the Spam folder) for the official announcement and instructions about how to apply.

This call for nominees ends at 11:59 PM ET 10 December 2021.

The poll will open on 16 December 2021, and remain open until 30 December 2021. Winners will be notified at the beginning of 2022.

We look forward to hearing from you – and good luck!

Of Interest: Editing Essentials for Writers and Editors

Comtech and CIDM are pleased to announce the Editing Essentials for Writers and Editors online course presented by Dawn Stevens, Wednesdays, 3 November to 15 December 2021, from 12pm to 2pm ET  (click here for your local time zone).

The goal of technical writers and editors alike is to produce consistent, accurate, and complete information products. Reaching this standard requires a systematic approach to condensation, organization, and correction of the copy. During this 2-hour, 6-session class, participants will work through the different levels of editing and gain strategies and tips for creating cleaner content.

For more information and to register, go to

Of Interest: So You Think You Know What Your Readers Want?

by Yoel Strimling

Do you know what your readers really want from the documentation you send them? You might think you are giving them high-quality documentation, but do your readers agree with you? Have you asked them?

On 13 October 2021 at 1200 PM EDT (click here for your local time zone), join me as I present data from an applied research study that proposes a preliminary, focused, clearly defined, and reader-oriented model for collecting meaningful and actionable feedback to improve documentation quality and increase reader satisfaction.

In this interesting and interactive talk, we will get some clear, research-based takeaways that we can use to:

  • Collect meaningful and actionable feedback
  • Provide reliable methods and metrics for measuring documentation quality
  • Create a common documentation quality terminology
  • Help writers understand what is important to readers

This is a joint STC Technical Editing SIGSTC Santa Barbara, and STC Los Angeles event, and is open to members and non-members. To register for this event, click here.